about pcc.im

what is pcc.im

pcc.im is a service to showcase public ens profiles. it is built by curatorcat.pcc.eth for fun, and it is not affiliated with purrnelope's country club project.

it is currently in alpha and may not work well, some features may broke.

supported features

ens names

  • eth ens and dns ens names on ethereum blockchain
  • ens subdomains
  • emoji(*) and special characters(*)
  • public ens resolver, custom ens resolver, off-chain records

profile and social networks records

  • avatar, description, notice(x), url, email, contentHash(*)
  • twitter, instagram, tiktok, telegram, discord, github, linkedin

blockchain addresses

  • ethereum, bitcoin

(*): features may not work properly in some cases

(x): features are temporarily disabled

future plan and open-source


no plan yet, but should be able to operate as it is now for quite a long time


maybe another app to manage ens profile with custom resolvers, start with .pcc.eth's ensmapper?

maybe new features heavily related to purrnelope's country club project. it's my favorite nft project, check their website at purrnelopescountryclub.com. i also created an archive website for the project pcc-archive.org


the source-code is on github: https://github.com/curatorcat/pcc.im. i started this project as experiment, and the code is terrible and buggy. i plan to refactor but don't really have the time for now.

this project mainly uses the following open-source projects: ethers.js, next.js, tailwindcss